
ThetaHealing® is a meditation and healing technique that utilizes our innate connection to the Source of All Life to heal. The practitioner access’s the Theta brain waive state, which governs our subconscious mind, and utilizes the technique to enable shifts in the function of the mind/body/spirit so that healing can occur rapidly. It is used world wide to facilitate instantaneous resolution of physical, and psycho- spiritual ailments, and empower people to create improvements in their life experiences. Science has proven that over 90% of human behavior is controlled by the subconscious mind. So when you change that - behavioral changes are inevitable. ThetaHealing rewrites subconscious beliefs upgrading ones outlook and way of functioning related to anything they need help with ie. Health, finances, relationships, body, life circumstances , etc. It changes disempowering beliefs that used to cause suffering into new positive programs that support our abilities to thrive.
Atasiea is a certified Advanced ThetaHealer. He took his basic and advanced trainings with Alex Lauren Ware - of Sovereign University in 2020 & 2021, and has been practicing for 4 years now. This Theta Healing certification combined with his over 20 years of subtle energy healing experience, has refined his ability to help clients identify and resolve the root causes of their problems more effectively.

Book a Theta Healing session with Atasiea
Photography by Nico Nelson Photography (https://www.nnelsonphoto.com/)